“Not-famous-yet” Young Artist Interviews — #1 My Childhood Badass Friend Zing

The “Not-famous-yet” Young Artist Interview Series


#1:   RY  老一羊 ✖ Zing

I knew Zing since I was little. She was my best friend during elementary school in Guangzhou, China. But we sort of drifted apart, and later completely lost touch with each other for almost ten years. It was not until a few weeks ago that we suddenly added each other on WeChat. When I was a kid, she had always been the most talented friend I knew in drawing — I guess that’s why she was the first person that came to my mind for this interview series.


Here’s a flashback. She was drawing on a piece of paper and I was sitting right next to her. I mischievously doodled random shapes on the blank space of her drawing. She was by no means frustrated by what I did. Quite the opposite — she started drawing based on my arbitrary doodles. In that way, she creatively transformed my disruptive doodles into something that enriched her own drawing.


Many years have passed. Back then, we were kids that yelled outside of each other’s house and undertook “adventures” together every night after school. But now, we are young adults that venture in different parts of the world in pursuit of our own dreams.


Since she was at college in Wuxi and I was home in Guangzhou, we chose to video call on WeChat. She cut her hair shorter and dyed it orange. But her voice and facial features were still the same as I remembered.


It was our first conversation for almost ten years.


It was a conversation that allowed me to re-know my childhood best friend and revive a friendship silenced for a very long time.





(Note: The conversation recorded below comes from two sources: first a video interview and later a written interview.)

(This article is translated from Chinese to English.)

work from 2016

work from 2017


R: What was your earliest experience with art?


Z: Art is a really broad concept. Let me start with drawing. It was the first art form that I learned of, and the one that I’ve practiced for the longest time. I liked drawing since I was little. Actually it was more like doodling in class on textbooks without paying attention to the teachers. I also took some art classes during elementary school.


But it’s not until now that I really come to feel what art is. I think it’s like a turning point. You have to grow up first to have a deeper understanding of art. Also, I wasn’t always an art student. I used to study math and sciences* in high school. I only decided to study art during senior year in high school. After that, I started taking joint university entrance exams.


(Note: In Chinese high schools, students have to choose between two paths of studying: either hard sciences or soft sciences/humanities. Once chosen, it cannot be changed for most cases. Zing chose the path of hard sciences.)






R: Why do you like art? What does it do for you?

Z: I’m not very good at expressing myself. But at the same time I’m extremely sensitive. I have so many feelings and emotions stuck in my mind. A piece of blank paper is where I can give vent to all the things I feel inside.


Drawing to me is therefore more like a way of expressing myself. It is like a container that holds my thoughts and intentions. That’s why sometimes drawing can be a very private thing for me. It’s the paradise of my spirit, the only refuge for me to run away from reality.


I know that sometimes my intention of protecting the pureness of this paradise is too strong — such that other people find me too reserved and unwilling to share my works. But it is a way of protecting myself. I’m just too scared to expose my real self in front of others.






work from 2017



R: Do you have any quirks when working on art projects? When and where do you create?

Z: I always clean my desk before starting. I really like the idea of organizing. I would organize external, physical stuff and my internal thoughts at the same time. I don’t prefer any particular environment for creating — but the most ideal one would be at late night, in a dark room lit with the dim, yellow light of a lamp. Finally, music is a must-have haha😊


But sometimes I want to do things just because I’m in the mood. Sometimes I write things to find inspirations for my artworks. Later, I would recreate my writings in other art forms.






R: Do you think your style has changed? What kind of changes? Why these changes?

Z: Of course. Mainly because I grew as a person. To be honest, my style is still growing right now and I don’t yet have a specific style of my own.


When I was little, I was influenced heavily by the Czech artist — Mucha. My drawings tended to be very decorative. At that time I was also really into mystery/crime novels. So there were a lot of metaphoric and symbolic things in my past drawings. During high school, I symbolized emotions and then assembled them together.


When I was older, I didn’t want to be restrained by the traditional form of drawing anymore. What really changed my way of thinking is a China-France animation exchange event during college. An independent animation artist came to our school and played some of her short animated films. The artistic aspect and the narration techniques left a strong impression on my mind. It changed my stereotyped impression toward animation and kindled my passion for independent animated short films or art/experimental animation works.


Right now I’m at a turning point—I don’t want to limit myself with a specific type of art. I want to first learn more about other subjects, such as anthropology or sociology.





Copy of Mucha’s work. Done in high school. Mucha is a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist. 1860-1939


R: What do you like about film art?

Z: It’s hard to give a specific reason. I learned about it. Then I came to like it. It’s like a relationship with someone. You met a person and felt right. Maybe that person will be your soulmate. Maybe not. You don’t know. But you gotta first give it a try.



R: 为什么喜欢影视艺术?
Z: 接触到了,就喜欢上了,很难说出一个具体的理由,感觉比较像是你谈恋爱,碰上了一个对的人,感觉不错,也许就是你的soulmate,那就处着试试呗哈哈



R: What is the biggest challenge for you when working on art projects?

Z: The mindset.


Animation has a very arduous and lengthy process. (I always break down in the middle of making animation. 😊First I doubt myself, doubt my ability. I ponder over life and take up my pen again—and then repeat this process every fifteen minutes…)


To make animation, you have to decide on a theme. Then you make the storyboard. You have to draw every frame of the animation. It really wears you down. It makes you lose your will sometimes. I felt exhausted after my last animation project and my brain felt empty. Now it’s time to refresh myself, relax and get back the feeling of living a life.



R: 创作中遇到比较大的挑战是什么?
Z: 心态。



R: What’s your favorite theme or motif? Are you working on anything recently?

Z: The theme of all my work is simple: it’s all about myself. I create to express myself.


I’m not working on anything recently. Because I think I’m still too ignorant and superficial. Like I said before, I exhausted myself working on my last project. So now I need to take a break to learn, to absorb, to replenish, to restore my sensibility toward life so that I can create again.




screenshots from an animation project in 2018



R: Where do you get inspirations?

Z: Most artists will tell you that their inspirations come from life. Well, mine too! Hahah (it’s a boring joke. Ignore me, please). In the past, I mostly gain inspirations for my artwork from my feelings and emotions. As you can tell, I rarely post stuff on social media. For me, feelings and emotions are something very private and personal — like things you’d written in a private journal. I rarely show my work because — sometimes there’re too many emotions or inner disturbances hidden in my work that I don’t want to expose them.


Well, actually the sources for my inspiration vary in different situations. For example, in one of my animation project, my inspiration came from my daily doodles. I didn’t doodle with the intention that I was going to use it for my project later. I just doodled because I felt like it. But when I looked back at my doodles, I saw a story hidden beneath the paper. Then I had the urge to turn the doodles into an short animation.



R: 从哪里获得灵感?
Y: 大多数艺术从业者都会告诉你他们的灵感从生活中来,而我,其实也是!哈哈…(是不是一个很无聊的笑话)以前的话可能更多是从一些心情上获取灵感。你有没有发现我很少发东西。这东西对我来说其实是蛮隐私的,像是记私人日记那种感觉。有的时候里面有太多心里的情感,我不会想把它们暴露出来。



R: What about your favorite artist or artistic style?

Z: I’m sure about the favorite part, but this person is my idol — Jan Svankmajer, a Czech surrealist artist. I’ve seen a comment about him somewhere: I didn’t believe in the idea of a “genius” until I saw Jan Svankmajer’s work. I think this is very well-said. This person is a f—king genius! I recommend one of his short films —“Dimensions of Dialogue.”


By the way, I loved watching Rick & Morty.😁



R: 最喜欢的艺术家或者艺术风格?
Z: 不能说是最喜欢,但他是我偶像——杨·史云梅耶(Jan Svankmajer),一个来自捷克的超现实主义艺术家。不知道在哪儿看到这么个对他的评价:认识他前不相信有“天才”的存在,看了他的作品后不得不惊叹“这他妈就是天才”。我觉得说的很对,这人简直天才得快要变态了吧。安利一个他的短片《对话的维度》,b站上应该有,不行的话可以翻墙看油管视频。
喜欢的动画的话,前段时间很喜欢看 rick&morty 😁



work from 2017

work from 2016



R: Can you talk about your experience of learning art? Where have you learned art?

Z: I mostly just learned by myself after elementary school. I was being stupid during middle school. I chose to study what everyone else was studying, instead of what I really liked. My self-consciousness had not yet woken up at that time. I didn’t know what I really wanted, so I just followed everyone else. It’s like you thought something was your own goal, but it wasn’t.


After I realized what I really wanted in high school, I transferred to be a full-time art student and went to Beijing to be trained for a full year. Right now I’m studying at the college of digital media in Jiangnan University. I had a gap year after freshman year to prepare my own portfolio and apply to universities in the US and UK. I’ll go to the University of the Arts London to continue my study as a freshman next semester.



R: 可以讲述一下你学艺术的经历吗?在哪些地方学过什么?
Z: 其实我小学之后就没怎么学画画。初中的时候,有点蠢,大家都去学文化,所以我也跟着去学。其实是自己的自我意识还没有觉醒,不太清楚自己要做什么,就跟着大家去做。其实就是你以为那是你自己的目标,但它并不是。然后后面高中觉醒了之后,高三转艺术生,在北京的画室集训了一年,现在江南大学的数字媒体学院。大二休学一年自己准备艺术作品集,现决定去伦敦艺术大学(UAL)。



R: Why Europe?

Z: Because the cultures in Europe, of both literature and art, attract me more. And also because I feel like universities there have more resources than those in China.



R: 为什么选择想要去欧洲?
Z: 因为欧洲的文化,不论是文学还是艺术都要更加吸引我。而且我想要更多资源吧。(因为无锡相对资源很少,我一般就去上海跟朋友看一下戏剧或者展。国内虽然基础教育与国外不相上下,但是感觉差别在于资源。)


而且,我好喜欢Jude Law哦😁



R: How do you imagine your future?

Z: I don’t know. I don’t want to give a clear definition to my future yet. Right now I just want to try and learn more different things. But I feel like I would head toward the big direction of filmmaking. I can imagine myself as an independent animation director or filmmaker active in animation festivals or shows.



R: 以后想走的路是什么样的?未来想象的生活是什么样的?
Z: 我不知道。我不想给自己下定义,但我感觉自己的方向应该还是影视这块。现阶段我只想多做尝试,多接触不同的形式。目前,对于未来的自己,我能想象得到的是做一个独立动画人,可能会活跃于动画节或者影展。



work from 2018



R: Do your parents show support for what you’re doing now?

Z: At the beginning, no. My family is a very traditional one in China. My parents think that only students with bad grades go to study art — for them, it’s like the last thing to do. I also have two siblings, which means there would be a lot of financial stress for my family if I study abroad.


My dad is very conservative. He just wants me to stay in China and get a doctoral degree. How funny is that? (laugh) I think that is ridiculously funny. I had to fight against him for a long time. My mom is ok. She supports me even if she doesn’t understand me. She helped me apply for a gap year and we kept it from my dad together. But later after I got my offer, they looked up the rankings and were quite happy.


Now they have to finally compromise — not because they finally understand me, but because I’m too stubborn. Don’t be a stubborn daughter like me. It’s always better if you can win your parents’ understanding and support. But in reality it’s not so easy like that. Right now, I’m just glad that even if they don’t fully understand me, they’re still trying their best to support me — because of love.



R: 你家人对你的想法表示支持吗?
Z: 一开始是不支持的,因为我的家庭是非常非常传统的中国家庭,在他们眼里学画画是“没出息”的,是学习不好的孩子的最后出路。而且我们家有三个小孩,我出国的话给家里的经济压力也是蛮大的。



R: Are you friends with other young artists? How do you interact with them?

Z: I feel really lucky that I’ve met a special girl in college. We have a lot of common interests and always go to Shanghai together to watch plays or shows. We also recommend movies to each other all the time. I really admire her talents in writing and photography. I cherish this friendship a lot. I cannot ask for a better soulmate.



R: 认识一些其他的青年艺术家或者爱好艺术的人吗?你们之间的互动是怎样的?
Z: 我觉得我很幸运在大学期间遇到了一个很特别的女生。我跟她志趣相投,会约着一起去上海看戏,看展,互相安利电影。我很欣赏她的才华,欣赏她的文字和摄影。她是我很珍惜的人,遇到一个能用灵魂沟通的人可遇不可求。




R: Do you have any new plans?

Z: I want to be a good person who keeps early hours and eats on time 😊



R: 接下来有什么新的计划吗?
Z: 做一个早睡早起,按时吃饭的好青年😊

recent work

Thank you for reading!

Facebook: Raina Yang
Instagram: rainayanglw
Email: rainayang0818@gmail.com